
Friday, February 24, 2012

My Mother's House Tour: Kitchen and Laundry Room

Hey there, c'mon in to the kitchen.  My parents bought this house when I was in kindergarten, almost forty years ago (holy cow that makes me sound old!) Anyway, this house was a sight, almost everything was blue.  My mom worked tirelessly to change it to her liking.  This kitchen has been changed and changed and then changed some more.  And now it looks like a comfortable vintage cottage kitchen.  Take a look.  Dad put beadboard three quarters the way up on the walls and made a little shelf on top for old bottles and dishes.  This little cabinet houses more dish collections.

Isn't that drop leaf farm table the cutest?   It's the perfect pop of color against all the white.
They replaced the original kitchen window and put in this window that extends out.  It's a great sunny place to grow plants.  More of her collections are displayed above.
They took the doors off the upper cabinets a long time ago and made the scalloped edge for the shelves.  You can do that when you have nice white dishes and cute things to display.  My mom has always been ahead of the design trends it seems like.  She always knows just what to do in decorating to remain timeless and classic.  I didn't get  a shot of the bottom cabinets but they are white and the counter top is a chocolate brown color.

At the time I didn't know I'd be doing a room by room house tour or else I would have taken more detailed pictures, but here we are in the back door entry/laundry room.  This is what you see when you come in the back door (and almost everyone does).  Pretty cake plates, dishes, and more collections on shelves.

This is just inside the back door on the right.  Look at the things she has held on to all these years.  I get rid of things too easily and have to purge every so often, but she keeps them and then makes a great display with them.

The washer and dryer are at the end of this room and I didn't get a picture, but trust me, it looks very cute.  Even a washer and dryer look cute because of the accessories she has on the shelves surrounding them.  True talent.

The tour ends tomorrow.  Don't miss it!
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