Monday, January 30, 2012

Pottery Barn inspired Mason Jar lights

I have hated the lights over my kitchen sink since the day we moved in.  There is nothing wrong with them, they're just not me.  I've been looking at lights here and there but nothing jumped out at me.  I almost bought some at a yard sale but I knew they weren't the right size and didn't know how I'd configure them to fit.  I just knew I wanted these lights down. Now.

So I turned to my decorating bible and started flipping through looking for lighting ideas.  And then I saw it.  And a light bulb literally went on in my head.  Mason Jar lights!  What a great idea!  And it's in Pottery Barn!  And I have Mason Jars right now in my pantry!!
So I took the ugly lights down, washed my mason jars and spray painted the rings and lids to match the top of the existing light.  And then I had to wait for handy hubby to get home to put some holes in my jar lids.  I probably could have done it but I had no idea what tool to use.  I didn't want to mess it up.  It was an anxious wait.  But he finally got it done for me and I hung the lights.
Love. Pure Love.

I was smiling the instant I flipped the switch.  They're so bright and happy. 
The only problem is they get a little hot at the top, close to the rings.  I put the lowest watt bulb I had, 25 watts and he drilled some smaller holes in the lid for the heat to escape, but they still get hot.   I'm afraid they might crack or something.  Any suggestions?

But in the meantime I love the look they give my kitchen.

Potter Barn's 16 jar light is $400
The 5 jar light is $150
My 2 jar light is FREE
Thank You Pottery Barn for the inspiration!

linking up to:  Beneath My Heart
                       Tuesdays Treasures
                       House of Hepworths
                         it all started with paint
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Anonymous said...

you go girl! I love them, once again you come up with the most amazing things, that is so, so cute!!

Annette said...

wow!! So so cute. Becky you are so creative.

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

That is awesome, looks so pretty! Your kitchen is fabulous all painted white!!

Jan said...


Nellie said...

Becky, it was so great to see those "Becky Bright lights" on pinterest. They are "Wow". Way to go.......You light up our life!

Unknown said...

Very cute idea! Do they give off much light?

BumbleBee Bagz said...

they look simply amazing!

Becky said...

they give off alot of light, actually. I thought the 25 watt bulbs would be too dim but they are surprisingly bright!

Deidre~ said...

SO cool! I was wondering the same thing about those mason jar lights myself.Let me know what you come up with to cool them down:) Deidre~

Baezamama said...


Unknown said...

The lights look fabulous-I'm your newest follower-stop by for a visit!

Bev said...

I love it! Your kitchen is slowly turning into a pottery barn kitchen. I don't think the jars will get too hot since you can actually cook in them in the oven, but just google it.

Bev said...

I love it! Your kitchen is slowly turning into a pottery barn kitchen. I don't think the jars will get too hot since you can actually cook in them in the oven, but just google it.

Anonymous said...

They look great! I pinned them! If you don't know what I'm talking about; You should visit Pinterest.It's an amazing website and an excellent source for inspiration.

thistlewoodfarm said...

That is pure genius! Thanks for linking up to our "impossibles" party!


Linda @ it all started with paint said...

Love the lights and LOVE your kitchen!

Thanks so much for joining our Impossibilities challenge!


Shannon Baker said...

Amazing! Great job on the lights!

Karah @ thespacebetweenblog said...

Oh my, your mason jar lights came out awesome!!

Thanks so much for linking up to the challenge!

mapleandmagnolia said...

They look amazing! :)

mapleandmagnolia said...

They look amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

What are those dome-like things called on top of your lids? They look great.

Shaleice said...

aww cute I love this! :)