
Monday, November 14, 2011

A thrifty sweater

I found a sweater at Savers the other day on their 50% off day marked $2.99.  So that made it about $1.50.  I washed it first and then I cut the arms off and cut the neck so it was straight.  Then I put one of my pillows that came with my sofas inside.  I didn't sew.  I glued.  Yes, my glue gun again to the rescue.  It's now a soft and warm and cozy pillow. 

And with the arms I made some sweater roses to dress up some plain pillows.

Not bad for $1.50.  Do you have an old sweater in the back of your closet?  Give it a new purpose.

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  1. You are just too clever. I forgot you are also the primary president. Wow!

  2. You are the clever, crafty, thrift queen for sure. I love the creations.

  3. You need to host a tv show. We could call it Clever Cook Creations, or Becky's Best Beauties. But seriously, where do you get all this energy? I might have the idea to find a sweater, cut it up, make a pillow and cute roses, and then post about it, but would I really do it? Probably not! Keep 'em coming though, we love it!
