
Monday, October 10, 2011

A Mysterious Birthday

There's been another birthday at our house.  Isabelle had a Mystery Mansion birthday party today on her actual 11th birthday.  After her guests arrived, they had to guess their new identity.  Then they changed into their costumes.  I actually can't believe we had all the stuff for these and didn't have to buy anything!  While they were changing, the gifts were stolen!  So they all became suspects and had to be fingerprinted and have their picture taken one by one.
 Isabelle Rock Star!

  Blushing Bride
Wicked (but really nice) Witch
Geisha Girl

Then they went on a treasure hunt and followed the clues to find the presents and goody bags.  I think they had fun.  I know Isabelle did.

Later she opened presents from the family.  Here she is realizing that her present was ringing.  Yes, she got a phone.  I think eleven is too young for a phone, but with our church callings and her siblings being gone alot, sometimes she is at home by herself for a little while and we don't have a house phone.  Spoiled girl.

But she's sweet and good.
Kind of like this ice cream cake I made.  I'm getting better at making them.  They rival any ice cream cake I could buy.  Yum!

Happy happy birthday Isabelle!
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  1. What a fun party, you are such the mom!

  2. Fun Fun!! What a great party!

  3. happy birthday, Isabelle! You are a lucky eleven year-old! A fun party, cute friends, an awesome mom, and a CELL PHONE! (Don't tell my kids!)

  4. Wow, you always amaze me Becky!

  5. I can't believe she's 11! What a cute girl!!!

  6. Isabelle IS a sweet girl! I hope she stays that way as she nears her teenage years. Cute pictures and a fun party. Happy Happy Birthday Isabelle.
