Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mo Fash

Emily and her BFF Savannah participated in our Stake's Modest Fashion Show (Mo Fash) tonight.  It looked just like a fashion runway.  Lights, photographers, music, the whole nine yards.

They modeled modest clothes from Dillards.  There were alot of young women and they all looked dang cute!

They had their hair and makeup done backstage and each modeled a couple of outfits.  I'd say she's a natural.

Here's cute Savannah in evening wear.

Emily was having alot of fun.

Oh to be young and skinny and cute.   Love these girls!
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Anonymous said...

How fun, she is so cute! Oh Becky, I would say that you are young and skinny and cute!

Bethany said...

They looked gorgeous! How fun for them!

And I agree with Joey! (her last line)

Bev said...

Mo Fash, what a good idea! Maybe modeling is in her future?

Nellie said...

What a great idea for a stake to do and I ditto what Joey said.

grandma said...

This girl never ceases to amaze me!