
Monday, September 26, 2011

Back in the saddle

Hip hip hooray, I'm blogging again.  The heat has lifted and I may have found some oomph.  I still have a nineteen year old son sleeping in my office ( which will kill all desire to be at one's computer, in case you were wondering)  but I'm going to blog anyway, darn it!
First off is this lovely little light.
I found her at Goodwill for $10.  She originally hails from Ikea.  How do I know that?  Because she still had her Ikea sticker on her bottom.  Wanting to give all good cast off chandies a happy home, I welcomed her.
I thought she needed to feel pretty and wanted again so I added these little blingy dangly crystals that used to be on candlesticks Bev gave me (thanks Bev).  And look at her glow!  She's especially proud to take the place of the tired and outdated entry light that was here before.  Shine on chandy.

come back tomorrow for the Big Ginormous Fabulous Kitchen Cabinets Makeover!!
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  1. I'm glad your back. Blogging is in our blood-we can't stay away too long.

  2. Yay! I will look forward to your blogs, If you painted cabinets you definitely have some oomph! Good for you.

  3. The chandelier turned out great! The crystals were a nice addition. We're all glad you're back, we need your inspiration to get us going.

  4. Yes, I need your inspiration to re-do some of the Texas Trash I brought home. Good job. We need tutorials.
