
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Mantle

There's Fall parties going on all over blogland.  Although it's alot better than August around here, but not quite as good as November, the calendar says it's Fall.  So it's time to decorate for it.  These green squash are like gold.  I swear the sign said $1.29 each.  Not . They're a pound.  I like them though.

This big white pumpkin I got last Fall.  It's still as good as new.
a little fall bunting I made.
Gotta have a little rooster in there somewhere.

Happy Fall

The Lettered Cottage
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Birthday Girl (almost woman)

Yesterday was my dear daughter Emily's birthday.  17 years old.  I can't believe it.  She grows more beautiful every day.  Last night after all the presents were opened and the cake was eaten, I asked Emily if I've ever told her about her birth story.  She said I haven't.

So I told her how we lived in Denver and it snowed on her due date.  But she wasn't ready, so a week later I started having pains when I woke up.  Her dad had already gone to work.  The pains grew stronger.  I tried calling him (before cell phones) and couldn't reach him.  I went ahead and showered and got all ready. Called again, left a message with a Russian man who didn't speak English very well.  I hoped he would get the message.  I was starting to get nervous.  I called again and was doubled over the table.  The pains were bad.  Shortly after, Phillip walked in the door and away we went.  I couldn't do anything but lay down in the backseat.  We'd never been to the hospital in downtown Denver before.  He missed the exit.  My water broke.  I cried.  I wanted to push.  I cried some more.  We arrived and he carried me inside where a team whisked me off.  No time for drugs. Push.  About twenty minutes after we got there Emily Lyn Cook was born.  They placed her in my arms and she was sticking out her tongue.  Cute as a bug. 
And she's been that way ever since.

Happy Birthday

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A White Kitchen

Are you ready?  This is a huge before and after.  A few weeks after moving in this house my seester Bev came to visit.  She envisioned my kitchen with white cabinets.  She knew it must be white.  I thought she was a little crazy because there was no way I was going to paint all those cabinets!!

and let me tell you, there are alot of cabinets!  The oak was competing with the wood floors and the granite counters.  It was alot going on.  But I had to start small and paint my laundry room first, and then the bathroom cabinets.

I gained confidence in what I was doing and felt I could tackle this monster job.  And when she decided to paint her cabinets, I dove in and painted mine at the same time.  I asked her advice and used the same paint color as hers.  She's the expert.

This is what I did for an entire week.  One section at a time.  Took the doors and hardware off, deglossed, primed and painted.  Twenty six doors, twenty two drawers, a desk, a hutch and all the cabinet frames.
And this is why.

I left a couple of doors off to display some lovelies

This is the hutch at the end of the cabinets.

It was alot of work.  Like sweaty, back aching, hand cramping work.
 But so worth it.
Thanks favorite sister:)
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Monday, September 26, 2011

Back in the saddle

Hip hip hooray, I'm blogging again.  The heat has lifted and I may have found some oomph.  I still have a nineteen year old son sleeping in my office ( which will kill all desire to be at one's computer, in case you were wondering)  but I'm going to blog anyway, darn it!
First off is this lovely little light.
I found her at Goodwill for $10.  She originally hails from Ikea.  How do I know that?  Because she still had her Ikea sticker on her bottom.  Wanting to give all good cast off chandies a happy home, I welcomed her.
I thought she needed to feel pretty and wanted again so I added these little blingy dangly crystals that used to be on candlesticks Bev gave me (thanks Bev).  And look at her glow!  She's especially proud to take the place of the tired and outdated entry light that was here before.  Shine on chandy.

come back tomorrow for the Big Ginormous Fabulous Kitchen Cabinets Makeover!!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mo Fash

Emily and her BFF Savannah participated in our Stake's Modest Fashion Show (Mo Fash) tonight.  It looked just like a fashion runway.  Lights, photographers, music, the whole nine yards.

They modeled modest clothes from Dillards.  There were alot of young women and they all looked dang cute!

They had their hair and makeup done backstage and each modeled a couple of outfits.  I'd say she's a natural.

Here's cute Savannah in evening wear.

Emily was having alot of fun.

Oh to be young and skinny and cute.   Love these girls!
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Friday, September 2, 2011


I haven't felt like doing much of anything lately.
 I haven't been thrifting for treasures in forever.
 I haven't redone anything in eons.
 I haven't created anything in a long time.
 I need some get up and go.
 Some inspiration.
  Some pick me up, kick me in the seat of the pants energy.
  I need to get on pinterest.
  I'm afraid once I start I won't be able to stop.
And there I will be sitting.
At my computer.
September is paint your kitchen cabinets month.
You didn't know that?
Well it is!!
And that's why I have to stay off pinterest.
Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Farm update

Why oh why did I agree to get animals??
Two of the chicks have died.  It's REALLY important to make sure they have water at all times. In case you didn't know.
One of the  bunnies has an eye infection and I now have to put cream on it's eye three times a day.  The other bunny has now almost been a cat's breakfast and it fell in the pool last night.  Luckily Isabelle saw it and saved it.

I have four kids that still live at home.
That's enough, don't you think?