
Monday, July 4, 2011

To JoAn

I have been trying to comment on your blog for a long time and it's not letting me!  I just want you to know how cute I think your blog is and how talented you are!!  Your quilts are amazing!  You're a great mom and grandma and leader.  I'll keep trying to comment.


  1. AAAhhh, thank you, ditto to you. Aubrey said she cant comment either....I dont know what the deal is, sorry about that.

  2. Okay , I think I fixed it, at least it tried in my minimal computer skills.

  3. Still not working. I just don't want you to think I'm ignoring you:)

  4. Yes, JoAn, I've tried to comment also - I wanted to tell you how much I admire your quilting skills! You are one talented gal. And your new blog look is GREAT!
