
Friday, May 27, 2011

Fresh Mantle

I'm linking up to Layla's mantle party today.

I've had this wooden box for months.  I got it at Savers for $5.  It was raw and unfinished.  I finally decided to paint it in a very light color and sand some of it back off.  I wanted the original stained stamping to still show through a little.

I filled it with my best plant and a pitcher of some purple flowering things from my yard and the twine topiary I made awhile back.

The top of the mantle has been like this for a little while but I still like it because it's light and fresh.
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  1. How beautiful! Where did you get the cute crate? We must be on the same wavelength, I cleaned out my fireplace and put a plant as well. Looks much fresher.

  2. So cute, I think we all love your blog and all the creative things you do, as well as your cute family. Keep em coming

  3. It is light and fresh - love the framed keys

  4. I guess I missed the tutorial on the twine topiary. You did put one on didn't you? Your mantle always looks good and timely for the season.

  5. You should have your own show on HGTV. I need to come see your house in person sometime, love it.
