
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spirit Week: Groovy, man!

Here we are at day #2.  Can you guess?
Hippie Day in all it's peace and love!

I thought she should have gone with a tie dye t-shirt.  If only she had a VW bus to drive to school.

And now a before and after project I've been working on.  Amanda gave me a Pottery Barn gift card for my birthday.  I've been wanting some keys for awhile now, and PB has this collection of keys plus shipping to equal the amount of the giftcard.

I've had this old rustic frame for a long time.

Hmmm..... what if I could somehow marry the two together.  And this is what I came up with.

I wanted it to look a little worn and aged and luckily the frame didn't take to the spray paint all that well.  So you can kind of still see some of the wood.  It's kind of wierd, but there's probably not another one just like it anywhere.  I kind of like it.


  1. Groovy, man. How does she know so much about the 70's? She should be a costume designer. And the project turned out great. That is the frame you found next door, right?

  2. Peace, Emily! Good job, you look just like a hippie for sure! Becky I love the key frame! That is the exact look I'm into right now. I have those exact keys - love them.

  3. You changed the name of your blog? I like it!

  4. Becky you are so talented and creative. You take after you're mom.
