
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Christmas present

You may have heard me whine and complain about my camera before.  Yeah, I whined and complained.  So I finally ordered myself a new one.  It's my Christmas present to me.  I've been playing around with it and trying to figure it out.  Here's some shots I've taken: 

Trying to get all creative with the tree in our backyard

Isn't it gorgeous?
My cute little man, Zero
close ups of flowers!!  close up!

Yes, that's a hummingbird.  I'm thrilled I could even get this!

And my favorite subject!
Isn't it fun learning new things?


  1. so fun you got a new camera. You didn't wait til Christmas to open your present to yourself from yourself! Was yourself mad at yourself? HA HA (a little Christmas humor)

  2. You learn fast! I still haven't figured out how to do cool things on my new camera. Congratulations.
