
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Double Take

In case you don't know Isabelle very well, let me tell you, she's a crack up!  The moment she saw this costume online she knew this is what she wanted to be for Halloween.  We had our Trunk or Treat last night.  It was so funny to watch people look at her and then look at her again and then bust out laughing.

 She had alot of fun and was very original that's for sure!  It's a good thing babies heads aren't really that big!   Funny, funny girl.


  1. Oh My Gosh! That is hilarious! I'll bet it was fun watching people's reactions. Isabelle IS a crack-up, and so cute.

  2. Very clever. I wish she would have came to my house.

  3. She's a keeper! Love her enthusiasm. :D
