
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Double Take

In case you don't know Isabelle very well, let me tell you, she's a crack up!  The moment she saw this costume online she knew this is what she wanted to be for Halloween.  We had our Trunk or Treat last night.  It was so funny to watch people look at her and then look at her again and then bust out laughing.

 She had alot of fun and was very original that's for sure!  It's a good thing babies heads aren't really that big!   Funny, funny girl.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cook Halloween dance: year two

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Bird Watching

Since moving to this house we have noticed a large group of birds around our neighborhood.  They always fly in circling circles.  Sometimes very high in the air, and sometimes quite low.  It's always neat to see them flying around. 

 Isabelle and I have taken to watching them in the late afternoon and early evening as they fly around and settle into the neighbor's tree for the night.

   We got the binoculars out one day to get a closer look. (camera doesn't show close up image)

     And this is what we saw:

Or maybe that's what I imagined I saw. Ha.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10 or 110?

One minute she's a 10 year old princess
And the next she's a 110 year old woman!
They grow up so fast.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

She's been waiting for this day

Today is the day this girl:
Has been waiting to go here:
So she can ride this:
and this:
and of course this:
She has been marking one day off at a time on her calendar for over a year.  Listening to the soundracks of the rides for months.  Waiting with much anticipation for this day, when her Grandma takes her to Disneyland for her 10th birthday.  She is the last grandchild to participate in this awesome tradition.  She was only days old when Grandma took Amanda, the first grandchild to start the whole Disneyland 10th birthday trip.  And I think she is the most excited!  Her first plane trip also.  Big Big Day for Isabelle!

Monday, October 4, 2010

her broken finger

See how the tip of the bone is sitting on top of the other bone?  Yeah, it's not supposed to be like that.  Emily broke her finger while playing kickball in weight training.  She jammed it while catching the ball.  It's totally fractured from the bone under it.
Luckily, there's no need for surgery.  As long as she wears her splint religiously for 4-6 weeks, the bones should grow back together.  This is the second finger she's broken in her young life.  The first was while giving Logan Indian Torture while trying to get him off of her or something stupid like that.
She has realllllly long fingers, so I'm sure it won't be the last broken finger we'll see on this girl.