
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Life is like a box a chocolates.....

You never know what you're gonna get.   In our case it's 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric.  We move into a new Ward and BAM!  Get to work Brother Cook!  I hope to see him now and then in between this and that.

The Man sure does look fine in a suit though!


  1. Life certainly is a box of chocolates. Maybe we should just eat the chocolates and just forget it all! But anyway, good job, Phillip - congrats!(?)!

  2. WOW!!! And yes, he looks very nice in a suit!

  3. Congratulations to Phillip and the family that supports him in his new calling. He looks very bishop-counselor-like in his new suit. Very impressive.

  4. How exciting, and the things I learned while my husband was serving is..........while the cats away the mice will play.

  5. Congrats, that is great news

  6. Well I hate to be the negative one of the bunch....but are we talking about the LDS church or have you joined another?! Congrats :)
