
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is it Fall yet?

This is my first attempt at linking up.  The Nester is having a Fall Mantle party.  So here is my fall mantle.
Very Simple.  Some acorns, little seeded ball things, candle sticks, pumpkins.  That's about it.  My fireplace hasn't gone through the transformation process yet, but very soon!
There's also a little more of Fall going on here:
Lots of texture with leaves, feathers, fruit, berries.
I love Fall!  Now if the weather would just catch on.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Today, sixteen years ago my little baby that almost came in the backseat of the car was born.  She was dark haired, dark eyed, dark complected and looked nothing like me. My little china doll.  And I loved her to pieces.  Still do.  And much to her credit, so do alot of others.

She was heart attacked last night by her friends.  So cute.  Her smile was a mile wide.  Wider than it usually is, if you can believe that!

Love that girl!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Help a Sista Out!

I'm giving a talk in church on Sunday on Blessings of the Temple.  I know how the Temple has blessed me and what blessings I've recieved by going to the Temple.  But what about you?  I promise not to use any names.  Could you share with me how the Temple has blessed your life?    It would just give my talk another dimension if I had other's experiences to share.  Pretty please??

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Life is like a box a chocolates.....

You never know what you're gonna get.   In our case it's 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric.  We move into a new Ward and BAM!  Get to work Brother Cook!  I hope to see him now and then in between this and that.

The Man sure does look fine in a suit though!

The dangers of Softball

The picture is kind of blurry.  maybe you can't see it that well, but Emily has a FAT LIP.  She recieved this little beauty at church softball.  And it wasn't even during the game.  A girl threw it to her in the parking lot and it bounced off her glove.  She made an amazing catch during the game though.

  She fared better than a guy in our ward who took a hit to the face and fractured his cheekbone and had to have surgery.
 That's not even the danger I'm talking about here:  It's Boys.  Lots and lots of boys on the team and the other teams.  But what are you gonna do?   Can't really keep her locked up in a closet.  Or can I?