
Thursday, July 22, 2010

A good day

Today was a good day.  After physical therapy for the bum shoulder (not part of the good day), I went to lunch with some good friends.  Then Amanda brought her Scott and good friend Beth over for a good game of Rummy.  We baked up some very good bread and made a good pot of chili beans and regular beans.  Amanda has decided they are simple goodness.  Then out to the patio with Phillip, Emily and Isabelle to watch and smell the very good rain storm which was followed by this:

Very good.


  1. It sounds like a very good day. So Amanda has decided she likes beans? Good for her. And how can you beat a good game of rummy? And the rain & rainbow? Great! I had a pretty good day too. Did more cleaning. You should see our pantry! Spotless! I can hardly believe it myself. Then Darvil & Breanna came down for hamburgers & fruit salad, followed by a game of Hearts. I hadn't played that in a long time. Can you believe I won, slaughtered Darvil & Dad..... A good day.

  2. How nice to have such a good day. The simple slow-down moments of summer are some of the best. Wish we got rainstorms more often. Why do I live in one of the ugliest deserts? I can't remember right now.
