
Saturday, July 31, 2010

A painter I'm not

I painted over one wall in my hall bath today.  It was a green and purple sponge painted wall and I just couldn't take it anymore.  So I scrounged together some leftover paint I already had and went to work.  I. hate. to. paint.  Taping, dripping, messy.  I get it in my hair and all over my hands and arms and floor. Every single time.  There are ALOT of walls in this house that I want painted.  The white walls are so white.  I haven't hung things on them because I know I want them painted, but I don't want to do it.  So they just stare at me, taunting me.  Phillip thinks they're just fine.   I guess I'd better get used to paint in my hair.

Man Woman Cake

We've watched a few episodes of Man Woman Wild on the Discovery channel.  A husband and wife surviving in survival situations (with a camera crew of course).  They get along pretty well under stress, much better than we would.  Yesterday Amanda and Scott came over to bake a cake from scratch.  It was interesting to watch them working together in a baking situation.   They worked pretty well together.  I enjoyed just being the advisor and camera crew.
The cake was pretty good too.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Job

Ever since our kids have been old enough to do chores, we've had them do something to earn their back to school clothes.  They usually get way more than they earn but at least they have done SOMETHING for them.  Mostly household chores.  Until now.  Poor Emily is busting her tale.  We have three very large Pine trees that Phillip has decided to trim way back and that means a mess.  Which means someone has to clean it up.  And that someone is Emily.  (and Isabelle) but mostly Emily.  It's become her way to get cute clothes.  And in case you didn't know, it builds character.  It's better than digging holes like Amanda and Logan used to do, ask them about it sometime.

She'll be dressed just fine come August 9th!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A good day

Today was a good day.  After physical therapy for the bum shoulder (not part of the good day), I went to lunch with some good friends.  Then Amanda brought her Scott and good friend Beth over for a good game of Rummy.  We baked up some very good bread and made a good pot of chili beans and regular beans.  Amanda has decided they are simple goodness.  Then out to the patio with Phillip, Emily and Isabelle to watch and smell the very good rain storm which was followed by this:

Very good.

Monday, July 19, 2010

sweet summer for a kid

Aaahhh Summer!  Swimming, bike riding, watching movies, friends.  The life of a kid!

We saw this idea on my friend Michele's blog.  Emily made these candy pop bottles for her friend's sweet 16 birthday party.  They turned out really cute!

meanwhile......I'm still unpacking.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Moving On

This is it.  This is what we searched for months for.  Packed up and moved in the middle of summer for.  Left the BEST Ward for.  But sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. 

And we LOVE it!