
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thespian #4

She's Alive! She's Allliiiiiiiivvvvvve!!!!!
Yes, It's the Bride of Frankenstein. This girl deserves an award, maybe not an academy award, but an award. Along with all her thespian chracters, she was also in charge of the YMYW standards night last night. She helped plan the dinner and decorations, organized a fashion show, gave a short talk(which wasn't very short because the girl isn't afraid to talk in front of people and can go on and on) and was the master of ceremonies for the evening. Good Job Emily!

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  1. ok so I've been to busy to check the blog each day, but oh my goodness! She looks amazing! Where did she get all her terrific costumes? She looks great!

  2. WOW....Emily is a busy and AMAZING girl. What Talent!

  3. These are amazing costumes, she looks great, I say give her the academy award!
