
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nap Time

When they were little and FULL OF ENERGY, I really needed them to take naps.  They didn't want to.  They didn't want any part of anything that resembled a nap.

Now they're older.

After working, staying up late with friends watching movies or playing video games, they can't be stopped from taking a nap.  It's 5:25 pm and right now three of my four kids are napping.  The life of an adolesent.  It's rough!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hallelujah!! Logan graduated!!

Looking pretty cool.
Yeah, it was sunny. Or maybe I'm overcome with emotion.
Grandma and Grandpa Boren
Congratulations Logan, we're proud of you!
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thanks to Kason and whoever else for catching all these candid shots. And thanks to Jared for his camera!
Love the pictures of Bev and Grandma!! Bahahaha. Click on collage to enlarge.
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Borens know how to partay!

Another great Boren get together! It was good to have Jace's kids in on the game night.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Last day to play dress up

Like all good things, Thespian week has come to an end. Rose from Titanic makes her final voyage in the halls of High School today. It's been fun, but I need some sleep!

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thespian #4

She's Alive! She's Allliiiiiiiivvvvvve!!!!!
Yes, It's the Bride of Frankenstein. This girl deserves an award, maybe not an academy award, but an award. Along with all her thespian chracters, she was also in charge of the YMYW standards night last night. She helped plan the dinner and decorations, organized a fashion show, gave a short talk(which wasn't very short because the girl isn't afraid to talk in front of people and can go on and on) and was the master of ceremonies for the evening. Good Job Emily!

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thespian #3

Miss Clara Bow in all her 1920's silent movie era glory. I had no idea who this person was. Emily looked up pictures of her and most of them were very risque. We don't do risque, so this is Emily's interpretation of Clara Bow. Since she's a silent movie actress, Emily can't talk all day. It might be the most difficult day of her life!

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thespian #2: Grease Lightning

Here she is, Rizzo from Grease. If anyone asks her who she is today, she has to break out in song and sing one of Rizzo's songs. If any of you know Rizzo very well, you know she's not a very nice character. But I think Emily can pull it off.

More to come................
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Thespian in the making

This is Thespian week at school for Emily.  I'm not sure what it all means but I know it's right up her alley.  Only a select group participates in this. (theater kids).  The characters were chosen for her and every day she has to be that person.  Dress like them, act like them, talk like them.  All. Day. Long.  Today she is that chick from Matrix.  I don't even know her name, I've never seen the movies.  But I know Emily can look like her pretty easily.  The hard part will be for her not to smile all day.

 Tune in tomorrow for another installment of Thespian Week.  Who will she be????

Monday, May 3, 2010

Don't hate me....

just because I went to Paradise (Maui) for ten days. And walked the golden sand beaches at sunset, hand in hand with my love. And drove the most beautiful drive in the world. And snorkeled in the clear blue ocean and saw a Mama whale and her calf. And enjoyed a beautiful resort with exotic wildlife and mouth watering food. And relaxed and rejuvinated and had the most wonderful time.

Don't hate me for all of this. I needed it. Because I am the Mother of three teenagers.
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