
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our Favorite Elders

It's rare to come across a set of Elders that bonds with every member of our family.  These two are the exception.  Elder Kavanaugh and Elder Evensen.

They first hit it off with Phillip during Sunday morning meetings.  Lots of joking going on.

The three of them came up with a business plan called Tripod Industries.  The Elders even had a book made and did a presentation to us on the concept.  Funny!!

It didn't take long for the rest of the family to see what extrordinary young men they are.  Logan has been going to the Nursing home every Friday with them to sing along with other Missionaries. He has really grown to love them which is quite surprising for Logan.  Amanda, Emily and Isabelle think they're about as funny as they get.  And I just love them to pieces! 
We have a great time when they're here and bring such a great spirit with them.

But after eight months in our ward, Elder Kavanaugh is being transferred today.  And he only has six weeks left of his mission here.  We're so sad to see him go, but look forward to staying in touch and seeing what marvelous things he does with his life.  I don't know how many times I've asked them to marry a couple of my daughters so they can be a part of our family.
Thanks Elders for being a part of our family for a little while at least.


  1. They sound like great guys. I'm sure you all will miss them.

  2. That's cool. We have bonded with certain missionaries over the years - it can strengthen the whole family. I'm sure it has helped Logan especially. But what is he doing with his arm around Amanda? Tsk tsk!

  3. your daughters are way too young, you need to be setting them up with me!!!!

  4. They really are great missionaries. Their Moms should be so proud.
