
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our Favorite Elders

It's rare to come across a set of Elders that bonds with every member of our family.  These two are the exception.  Elder Kavanaugh and Elder Evensen.

They first hit it off with Phillip during Sunday morning meetings.  Lots of joking going on.

The three of them came up with a business plan called Tripod Industries.  The Elders even had a book made and did a presentation to us on the concept.  Funny!!

It didn't take long for the rest of the family to see what extrordinary young men they are.  Logan has been going to the Nursing home every Friday with them to sing along with other Missionaries. He has really grown to love them which is quite surprising for Logan.  Amanda, Emily and Isabelle think they're about as funny as they get.  And I just love them to pieces! 
We have a great time when they're here and bring such a great spirit with them.

But after eight months in our ward, Elder Kavanaugh is being transferred today.  And he only has six weeks left of his mission here.  We're so sad to see him go, but look forward to staying in touch and seeing what marvelous things he does with his life.  I don't know how many times I've asked them to marry a couple of my daughters so they can be a part of our family.
Thanks Elders for being a part of our family for a little while at least.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beautiful Hymn

I sat and watched along with the congregation today.
It was amazing.
Those were MY kids up there singing so beautifully! 
Amanda and Emily looking and sounding like angels.
Logan so handsome in his suit. 
Elder Kavanaugh, love him like one of my own kids.
I wish I could have stopped time, rewinded and played it over and over.
How Great Thou Art sung acapella and in four part harmony.
So Powerful and so beautiful.
My favorite hymn.
I wish all my family could have been there to see it. 
I hope to see it again someday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to a great Dad who takes his family to Disneyland and Camping and Movies and Out to Dinner.....and on and on.

To a Husband who thinks it's very important to take his Wife on trips just the two of us.

To a Man who works hard at everything he does and makes sure he takes good care of himself for his family.

Happy Birthday Phillip!!
We Love you

Saturday, April 10, 2010


It's Prom time again. This year is Scott's Senior Prom. But of course he took Amanda, his main squeeze, even though she's done with High School. He bought a brand new suit that will become one of his mission suits later. Amanda bought her dress at Black House White Market again. I thought they looked quite the dashing couple, don't you?

I just love this one! Look at him looking at her! awwww.
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It's not a Concert

Here we are at the Michael Buble' show.  He doesn't like to call it a concert, because he talks and interacts with the audience so much.  It was alot of fun!  We had a great time!

This was the best picture we could get with our dinky camera.  Note to self:  Get myself a nice camera for Bday/Christmas this year.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


The Cook girls and I are pretty excited about this day.
This is the day we get to go see him on his Crazy Love Tour:

These are the Cook girls on Christmas morning when they found out they were going to get to see him:

This is the guy who bought our tickets for us and lets us have our silly crush:
This is a Good Day!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The girl can't keep her eyes open

I don't know why these make me laugh, but they do.

These are all taken on crazy hair day on two different years, and coincidentally, she's wearing the same shirt.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Teenage Driver #3

Emily is in Drivers Ed at school.  She passed the permit test and scored 100 out of 110.  She couldn't WAIT to get her permit in her hot little hand!  Remember when we were excited about driving too?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Off with your head!

You just gotta love spirit week!  Today is Disney Day, dress like your favorite Disney character.  We didn't have to brainstorm very long at all.  The inspiration was the red heart apron Grandma Linda gave to one of my girls.

May I present to you, The Red Queen:

Although it's perfectly obvious what she is, if someone asks her who she is supposed to be, of course she will say;"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cook's Crazy Hair

Today is crazy hair day for Isabelle at school.  And since there seems to be a hair theme going on here this week, I thought I'd share some of our family's crazy hair.  Enjoy!

Emily the morning after sponge curlers.  We love to tease her when her hair looks like this!

Logan's lack of hair after shaving it off just before Christmas '08.

Amanda sporting the 80's rocker look!

And me with the genuine 80's permed hair.  SO GLAD those days are gone! 
                                       And Phillip never has crazy hair.  Except that it's CRAZY grey these days!