
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Talent Show time again

Yes, it's that time of year again.  It sneaks up on me and then yells "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE ISABELLE DO THIS YEAR???"

Since we weren't really prepared,  I just thought we'd take a year off and it would be fine.  Nope.  Her teacher is expecting something.  Her classmates are expecting something.  Her music teacher is expecting something.  So we got out our two karaoke cd's and went to work.  I was strongly suggesting "
Somewhere over the Rainbow", I had visions of red sparkly shoes and her hair in braids.  Darling.  But every time she tried to sing it she was either nearly in tears or throwing herself on the floor. 

Ok, what else?  We have to follow up with something as good as her Mulan and Cinderella songs with complete outfits from the last two years. She thought a song from Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast would be good.  They would be good, except our versions sound like they're on warp speed and she can't keep up.  That's it.  We tried, but try outs are today and we just don't have anything.   But then last night at 8:30 she put on "He's a Tramp" from Lady and the Tramp, and it just worked.  She went to bed with the song playing over and over in her headphones until she memorized it, she thinks it was about thirty times.  I have visions of her and our dog Zero up on stage.  Cuteness!!

I think I'm one of those pageant Moms in a much more scaled down kind of way.

If only Gone with the Wind were a Musical!!


  1. I want to come to her show when she performs. Let us know when it is going to be so we can plan on it. I know it will be cute - she will be cute.

  2. you didnt think, of Reba?!?! hello big huge red wig, that would have been priceless! side note, remember how you were in my dream, do you have any idea what it was about?!? did you introduce me to my husband? cause thats what my coworker is saying, that would be too crazy!

  3. annie. the sun'll come out tomorrow. big red wig, I can see it now. and a dog anmed sandy!

  4. I hope you record it and put in on your blog!
