
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sa-tur-day is a special day...

So after I had cleaned the kitchen, washed some dishes, cleaned the french doors, and folded some laundry (all of which Isabelle didn't see me do) I was going to start ironing Phillip's shirts.
  I asked Isabelle to please sweep all the wood.

She said  "But that will take all night!"

I said "well then it's a really good thing we don't live in a Mansion".

While ironing, and during her sweeping she asked me "what are YOU going to do to help out around the house".

I said "I'm ironing!"

She said "that's not helping around the house, that's doing something for someone else".

When she was all done I asked her if she could please sweep my bathroom also. I told her I'd love her forever.  She informed me that she tried that on me a couple of weeks ago and it didn't work.

While sweeping the bathroom she said in a loud voice "I guess this is just a VACATION for YOU!"

It's a good thing I love her so much.


  1. Oh my gosh that is so funny! Isabelle is AWESOME!

  2. I guess the honeymoon with the "sweet" Isabelle is over. Now its down to reality. Darn!

  3. I could hear her voice saying all those things...cutie. Don't bite the hook, Becky!

  4. cute cute story, i have heard those same words from my own children, i probably even said those kind of things to my own mom. So great that you blogged it. I wish I had recorded more of the funny things my kids said and did.

  5. Great story! Thanks for sharing. Love Isabelle's spunk!
