
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

We had a wonderful Christmas Holiday and New Year.  Hope the rest of you did also.  Good food, family, movies, games and spending time together.  That's what it's all about.  The decorations have come down (but are waiting to be put away into their bins), school starts again tomorrow, life gets back to normal once again.  I'm not one for making New Years resolutions because I can never keep them.  But I just keep plugging along and doing my best.  There are alot of things I would like to accomplish this year and hope in many ways 2010 will be better than 2009.  It was a bit of a rough year.  I'm thankful for all that I have in my life that makes it so rewarding.  I'm thankful for a wonderful family and great friends, good health and a comfortable home, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.   I hope this year brings happiness to us all.  Happy New Year!!


  1. you cant do posts without pictures, its against the blogging rules for 2010!

  2. I am also blessed to have great friends like YOU! I enjoyed your testimony today, it made me cry. You are an amazing, creative, patient, and beautiful woman and mother. 2010 WILL BE BETTER!!!

  3. Nice post! I like your blog background too.

  4. Happy New Year to you! At least you're off to a good start by getting your Christmas down, that's more than I can say for myself! (what else is new!)

  5. Happy New Year ! I know heavenly father is with you and your family. 2010 will be a great year! You are an awesome women and I am blessed for knowing you!
