
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Ten Virgins

Tonight in our Ward was the presentation of the Ten Virgins. Amanda and Emily were two of the ten. It was wonderful. The hours spent practicing and setting up were countless. All I had to do was costume my girls which was a little more challenging than I thought. Emily's first dress I made looked like a hospital gown. They each had a speaking part and a song. My dumb blurry camera distorted the magnificance of the stage setting. I saw a little bit of something going on during the performance between Emily and Amanda and the Director but didn't know what it was. I learned after it was over that Emily realized mid performance that she forgot her song. She was panicked and terrified. Who can blame her, there were about a hundred people there. She got Amanda's attention who got the directors attention who got others attention who passed a copy of her song down to her before it was her turn. Flawlessly professional. The entire cast did a great job but when my girls sang together I shed a few tears. They sounded like angels. And I just kept thinking how glad I am to have them. Even though they portrayed the parts of foolish virgins. We have some very talented people in our ward. They gave us an evening we won't soon forget. Way to go Copperwood Ward!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have to say that as I watched your two beautiful girls sing I was a little envious. They do sound like angels when they sing. You are lucky to have them! The WHOLE night was AMAZING! The program, the decorations, the food, and the spirit that was felt. I agree, GOOD JOB COPPERWOOD WARD!

  3. Well, I have no idea how I found your blog but I did! Your girls sounded amazing tonight! We are over at

  4. Amanda and Emily were really amazing, their voices blend so well.
