
Friday, May 22, 2009

Graduation Days

Yesterday Amanda graduated from High School. I remember her preschool graduation and thinking how far off 2009 seemed. I was wrong. I blinked twice and it's here. As soon as the Graduation March started to play and the Graduates began walking in I began the water works. It just hit me like a wave that my first child is grown up. It's a mixed feeling because I'm sad and happy at the same time. She's going to do great things with her life and I'm so proud of her. Top ten percent of her class, that's nothing to sneeze at. She's worked hard and has earned it. Congratulations Amanda, I love you!!

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  1. Wow, wow, wow! That's all I have to say. Beautiful girl, amazing accomplishments, bright future! Good job, Amanda!

  2. I thought that first picture was Isabelle before I really looked at it. Amanda will be amazing!

  3. Amanda looked so beautiful, I just couldn't get over it. Such a pretty girl, and so talented and smart. We are very proud.

  4. Wow! I love the 2, then and now, graduation pictures! Amanda will do great things! She is an amazing lady!

  5. Congratulations Amanda, You are going to be so successful. Congratulations Becky! You are a great Mom and you did an even greater job!
