
Saturday, April 4, 2009


Prom is almost as much fun for Mom's as it is for girls. Today Amanda and I went shopping for shoes and jewelry. She got a pedicure and I tweezed her eyebrows. Then I helped her do her hair. She didn't know why everyone makes such a big deal about Prom. But as she got ready and everything started coming together, she started to get a little nervous. Scott arrived at 4:15 to pick her up, looking very handsome. They put on corsages and I snapped as many pictures as I could before being shut down. They looked very good together. Then they left. I watched them as they got into Scott's vehicle. They took their corsages off and put them back into their boxes so they could go over to Scott's house and do it all over again for his family. That's so cute. I love Prom.


  1. These pictures are so cute! Amanda looks so cute and her date looks so handsome! I love the dress and shoes -- and the hairdo. I remember being the prom mom. I think that was more fun than actually going to my Proms. I'll be anxious to hear about the evening and dance. I know you must have had fun Amanda.

  2. WOW!!! Amanda, you look so great! I feel a special sense of pride since I was there when the dress was chosen and purchased. It looked even cuter on you now than in the store that day. Your shoes, corsage, jewelry and hair all added to the whole look perfectly. Scott looked very nice too. You guys make a cute couple. You need to blog how the date was and what you did.

  3. They look so good! Amanda looks beautiful! Scott looks realy good all dressed up! Prom is the best time. It is very important!

  4. I LOVE Prom too! I can't wait to get my girls ready for prom some day! Some of the kids in our ward came over to our house to take pictures and I loved, loved, loved seeing them all dressed up!

    Amanda looks beautiful! I love the yellow accents!
