
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day three was at Disneyland again. I never get tired of Disneyland. The big kids wanted to go back to California Adventure and ride the bigger ones while we took isabelle through her favorites: Pirates of the Carribbean, Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain and Indiana Jones. Yes, she decided she liked it after Tower of Terror. We met back up with the kids, had lunch and did a few more rides together before splitting up again. Phillip and I were just sitting there watching people and I see Dwight Shrute from "The Office" walk by. (Real name Rainn Wilson) I jumped up and ran to get Amanda and Emily who were in line for Haunted Mansion. Then we followed him and his wife and little boy to the bathroom. They were being escorted by a Disney Employee. I wanted to take his picture when he came out, but felt like I was intruding so Isabelle and I followed him down to the Jungle Cruise and I got this picture of him. Amanda says I was happier to see him than I have been for most Christmas'. He was a celebrity. I didn't care
He's no Hugh Jackman, but he's Dwight Shrute!!! Everything was going to be okay. We went on to have oodles of fun and even felt some small earthquakes in our hotel room. Yes, it's expensive, there's crowds, there's lines, but it's DISNEYLAND. I've loved it since my first visit at age seven I think. The smell of the Pirates of the Carribbean, The voice on Haunted Mansion, the look of
Main Street. It's all wonderful and I'll go again, and again and again, and......


  1. Your trip looks like so much fun.. it makes me want to go to Disneyland right now and I'm not even that big of a fan. Cute pictures of every body!

  2. I loved reading about your trip! It looks like great times. I hope it wasn't as crowded as when we went.

  3. Oh, my kids love your picture of Dwight!!! You could sell it and make millions.

  4. Looks like a fun trip....You have such a cute family! I just didnt know you were a stalker (haha)
