
Friday, March 27, 2009

Finally an Explanation

Not that anyone really cares, but I'm thrilled to finally know I'm not crazy. I just read about a disorder called Pica: "Derived from the bird Magpie who will eat almost anything, Pica is an isatiable urge to eat non food substances like dirt, paper, glue, clay, ice, soap, etc. Though it is believed to be linked with mineral deficiency, health experts have found no real cause and no cure for the peculiar disorder. It often occurs in pregnant women where iron deficincy anemia is present and in small children ages 1-6." My mom craved ice while pregnant with me. I was anemic as a small child. I craved dark rich dirt while pregnant with Logan ( I never ate any though). When Logan was one and two he used to eat soap, deodorant, candles, paper. I still go through terrible cravings for ice.. IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!!!! It's so great to know there is a name for this madness. Although, the article also said it could be associated with mental ilness. Uh, Oh. I think I'll just take some iron pills and shut up now.


  1. The only mental illness you have is your wacky cousins! Very interesting, I never heard of Pica.....
