
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Does anybody out there have a facebook? I'm not sure about it. It seems like a good way to contact people you haven't seen in a lonnnnngggg time. I went ahead and created a profile but I'm too chicken to contact anyone. What if that person doesn't remember me? Or what if their wife gets mad that some woman is trying to contact her husband? I'm kinda just waiting around for someone to contact me. I may be waiting awhile.


  1. Yes, there are lots of us that have facebook, I'l invite you to be my friend!

  2. I hear ya! I haven't tried face book yet. I think my kids would me mortified and I don't understand it let me know how it all goes.

  3. I started because my kids got me signed up. I just kind of wait for people to find me. I never know who has an account and if they even want to hear form me. I'm just cautious i guess.
