
Friday, January 16, 2009

Way to go Emily!

Emily made the High School Play! It's a musical called Into the Woods. She got the part of Snow White. I don't think it's the traditional Snow White and will be fun to see Emily's portrayal. But I have to give Emily a hard time. I just put some pictures back onto the computer that I have on a disc from the last four years. These pictures sum Emily up as a true actress!


  1. Congratulations Emily! You will be great! I love the slide show, great pictures of your family!

  2. Hi Emily
    We all knew you had talent back when you used to sing Feliz Navidad. I am so proud of you for having the courage to try out for things like this and the talent to get the parts. Way to go!

  3. Yeah Emily!!! You'll do're a natural!! I want to come see you in it, let me know when it is.

  4. Yes, When is the play. I would like to come see you in it too. Congratulations!!!!
