
Saturday, January 24, 2009


The other night Isabelle wanted to think of possible girl names she could name her girls when she has some. SHE'S EIGHT!!!! But I went along with it and we came up with some pretty good ones...Sophie, Abigail, Ella,. Then Amanda and Emily asked me what kind of name is Becky? They said they can't imagine being named Becky, Rebecca maybe, but who names their child Becky? Aren't kids great!?!


  1. Becky is a beautiful name, whenever I meet a Becky I think of you!!!

    Your blog is so cute, you definetly have a nack for blogging...keep it up, you have such a cute family, I havent seen Logan for a while but I think he looks just like you! Probably isnt as sweet as you always were! I have been through two tuff teenagers so I really do relate, Hang in there!! You are wonderful Becky...with a lovely name!

  2. Thanks JoAn. That was really nice. Yes, I'm hanging on by my fingernails and I have really short nails! Any advice for raising teenage boys?

  3. I wish I could give you a perfect bit of advice....when I think back maybe I should have had a good pair of handcuffs and locked them to me, but that would have been torture for all of us!!! Landon is doing great now but he just about did me in...I learned a lot and felt many promptings...I really I know that that is why we go through it all...for us to learn more about Heavenly Father and we get just a little taste of what he goes through, I do know cant blame yourself and feel guilty! Oh and go to the Temple as much as you can, mainly to keep up your spirits..hope that helps, it will get better!

  4. Every Becky I've ever known is just as cute as can be... the name fits the cuteness. Tell your girls that their mom is super cure and has the perfect cuteness name from the 60's.
