
About Me

Thanks for visiting me!  I'm Becky. I live in sunny Arizona.  I'm a pretty simple person.  I love to style and decorate my home, hunt for great thrifting finds, redo things, spend time with my family, travel, watch old movies and of course blog.  I'm trying to get better at photography, gardening and am learning 7th grade math all over again!
I'm married to a wonderful guy, my high school sweetheart.  We've been married for twenty four years.  We've owned seven houses and moved twelve times!  We make a pretty good team.  He's Mr. Handy and I'm Mrs. Décor.  We've remodeled and fixed up plenty of real estate over our marriage.

We have four children (three of them are adults and one thirteen year old).  She keeps us young.
I hope you enjoy your visit and will come back again to see what I've been up to, making my house a home with small-n-simple things.

I'd love to hear from you, you can email me at


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