
Friday, February 22, 2013

Forcing Spring

I'm not a very patient person at times.  I used to sneak and peak at my Christmas presents as a kid.  I learned it's better to wait.  But I don't want to wait on Spring any longer.  I want it nowwww!!!!!!  (Do you know what movie that's from?) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Anyway, I decided to just bring some Spring inside.  While everything outside is crispy and crunchy from the big freeze here, I can still have a little spring inside.  One thing that isn't crispy and crunchy is my hedge in front of my window.  It stays green and pretty all year long.  So I went out and trimmed some off and stuck in this cute little grape vine wreath.
I like how it looks in my bay window

I put together this little vinnette for my hutch

And put some Spring in this box my parents made and gave to me for Christmas

The mantle needed a little something.  I found this cute rabbit at Homegoods.
 I've had my eye on these little potted plants at Homegoods for awhile
I liked the little grapevine wreath so much I decided to make a bigger one for the front door.  And because I already had the grapevine, it was free.  Except for the burlap on a roll I got at walmart.  I love it, I've used it for so many things.
 Who knows how long the wreaths will stay green, but good thing I know where to get more.
 Sadly, as I was sprucing things up, hubby was cutting things down.  Those trees were so green and gorgeous before the cold snap.  I hope they come back even better than before.
Are you ready for Spring too?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ain't nobody got time for that!

My girls introduced us to a video a couple months ago.  We've been quoting it ever since.
You have to watch the video to understand this post.  So go ahead and watch, I'll wait.
  Well now I know just how Sweet Brown feels.  I went to the Dr. today after five days of feeling really poorly.  I got bronchitis! Ain't nobody got time for that!

Seriously, I don't have time for that.  I've been flat out layed out for a couple of days now and I'm going a little crazy.  I've got things to do, places to go, people to see.  Well not really, but I don't like being sick.  But I'm all medicated up and should be feeling fine again soon.

And then I can go get me a cold pop.