
Thursday, December 27, 2012

December Sky

We looked out the window  in the late afternoon and early evening and the backyard looked pink.  We said "Why is the yard pink?"  And then we went outside to have a look and this is what we saw:
Pretty cool.  But instead of the sky looking pink where the sun was setting, it was on the other side of the sky.  Kinda weird.
This one is my favorite
Isn't Mother Nature Awesome?

Friday, December 14, 2012

If Dogs Could Talk.........

What do you think these two would say?
P.S.  Christmas came early for me and I got a brand new camera.  Yay!!!!  I'm back in business.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas in the kitchen

I like adding touches of red in the kitchen.  I think it goes well with the gray granite and stainless steel. 
This is a little vintage vingette in the corner of the counter.  Say that ten times fast!
Red beads strung in front of the kitchen window.
Another countertop decoration

I tied red fabric to the backs of the kitchen chairs and placed these trees in a tray on the table.

It all makes for a fun, festive kitchen.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Some Christmas on this Blog

I'm pretty tired of looking at that mermaid every time I get on my blog.  I've got to post something just to be rid of her!  I've been enjoying taking virtual tours of Christmas homes on other blogs, so I thought I'd give a little virtual tour here at Small-N-Simple Things.    So here goes:
 These are items on my kitchen hutch.  I bleached the bottle brush trees, but they're not NEARLY as cute as the ones my mom made, she glittered and glitzed hers.  The ornaments in the bowl came from goodwill and some of them are mercury glass, I really like them.
 Some of my white dishes and silver.
This is something I saw on Pinterest and re-created because I had everything for it.  A wooden box filled with greenery, lights, wooden logs and pine cones.  It sits in front of the fireplace since it's too warm to build a fire.
Here it is lit up at night.
This is a tinsel tree I got at a yard sale for $3.  I'm not sure why I bought it, I just liked how it looked old.
This is our actual Christmas Tree.  The one I bought at a second hand store last year for $10 and flocked myself.  It's looking pretty sad.  My girls really wanted to get a real tree but I told them let's give this one more year and we'll get a real one next year.
Here's the old door with a fresh wreath and the BELIEVE garland I made last year.
And the mantle.   Not too different from last year.

So that is a little of my home dressed up for Christmas.  I'll show more later when there is better light for taking pictures.