
Monday, August 29, 2011

Terrific Tucson

I've never really liked Tucson that much.  I don't know why.  Maybe I associate it with knee surgery and Dr.'s when I was only fifteen.  The age I should have been having the most fun.  Anyway, this is a much better way to see Tucson, at a nice resort.  Phillip had a golf tournament there over the weekend and he invited me to go along.  This is the Omni Tucson National Golf Resort and Spa.  It's truly one of the nicest places we've ever stayed in.
I love how Pioneer Woman takes pics of the hotel rooms she stays in. This hotel is small and spread out.  Above is the sitting area and entryway.  Below is the vanity and that door opens to a humongous closet, like someone could sleep in there comfortably, humongous.
The bath area was pretty much to die for.  On the opposite end was the toilet and shower.
And this is the pool area where I may or may not have lounged and sipped on lemon ice water brought to me by a pool attendant.

And this is the view from our room of the Catalina Mountains overlooking the driving range.
We also went to an authentic mexican restaraunt at the insistance of an overly enthusiastic concierge.  And we're glad she insisted.  This place was great.  A woman makes salsa fresh at your table to your liking, and mariachi guitar playing singers roam around and play at your table.
It was only a 24hr. trip but worth every minute.

So get out of town once in a while and give your marriage a shot in the arm.   Why not Tucson?
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mini Farm

You know the saying "You can take the boy/girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy/girl".  Well, that's my husband.  He may not seem like a country boy, but he is at heart.  He wants to live in the country on a farm, but has to live in the city for his job.  So, we'll bring the farm to the city.  We now have five baby chicks (one died already) and two bunnies.  I'm sure we'd have a cow if we could.  The girls are happy too.  And our dog thinks we got them for him.  He's become a guard/sheep dog.  He has a purpose in life now.  He especially loves the bunnies and tries to get them to play with him.  I keep telling him they're not dogs but he doesn't care.

Emily and Isabelle and I went to the feed store and picked them out.  By the time we got home, they had them all named.   The bunnies are Pepper and Paprika.  The chicks are Nutmeg, Ginger, Cinnamon, Sugar, Cayenne and Curry.   Sugar has passed on. 
They are all cute, but I'm not so sure getting them in the heat wave of August was the best idea.  We (I) have to bring them in during the day so they don't die of heat stroke.  In crates and boxes of course.  Don't think I've gone totally looney and have animals running rampant around my house.
But it's lucky for my husband that I love him so much.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

goodbye summer hello school

 I wanted to do something with the
kids on the last day of their summer vacation. I found out it was a free day at the Science Center. So we went there after lunch. Holy Moly lots of people!! We waited in line for about forty minutes just to get in. It was so crowded, this is the only picture I could get. Crazy. So we didn't stay there too long.

I don't know why, but I decided we'd go to the indoor swapmart on the way home.  It was a little scary.  We saw lots of interesting things. And people. Emily had her wisdom teeth out the day before and was feeling tired, so Eli and Isabelle took turns pushing her in the wheelchair.  It was an experience and we had alot of laughs during the day.  I think they'll remember it.

And here they are on the first day of school.  Isabelle is a big 5th grader.  I can't believe my baby is in 5th grade.

But I REALLY can't believe Emily is a Senior.  How did that happen?

I used to be so ready for the kids to go back to school and it was the happiest day of the year for me.  Now I just want it to slow down a little.  Why are they all growing up?  What's the hurry?

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