
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I took Isabelle to see Toy Story 3 yesterday ( But I couldn't wait to see it either).  What a great movie!  Just as good as the others.  I laughed alot, but I also cried.  Has anyone else seen it?  Please tell me I'm not the only one who cried.

Do YOU still have YOUR favorite childhood toy?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

21 Years

That's how long we've been married.  21 years ago today.  It was a sweltering hot day.  Like melt your face off hot.  We got married at the Mesa Temple in the morning.  We got out and took all the pictures ( no one told me to get pictures taken on a different day other than my wedding day, so we walked all over the Temple grounds taking pictures at noon on this hottter than hot day.)  We had a luncheon, then drove to Pima for the reception that evening.  Then drove to Lakeside for honeymoon late that night.  I was falling asleep in the car.  But it was still a wonderful day.  And it's been a wonderful marriage with it's ups and downs.  Just as it should be.  Look how young we were!

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm really not a hoarder

This is what moving looks like. I don't recommend doing it if you don't have to. We don't have to. I don't know why we're doing it, really. It's just what we've always done. It's a sickness I think. We just get the itch to relocate every few years. This is the longest we've ever gone.....six years. It's a good way to go through your stuff and get rid of alot of it because the less you have to pack up, the better.
Alot of the stuff in the picture is my Sister-in-law's stuff who's living with us until we move out and turn the house over to her. So, maybe this will be the last move we ever make. But, if you know us very well, you know it won't be.
Anyone have some extra boxes lying around?
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Monday, June 7, 2010

Wedding Cupcakes

For the last month my favorite (only) sister and I have talked about, stressed about, thought about, cupcakes. Wedding cupcakes for my niece Shaleice's reception. What kind to make? How to decorate them? How many to make? She wanted cupcakes instead of regular cake and she wanted her bright wedding colors to be a part of them. We only made about 150 too many, but we had fun and I think the bride liked them. That's all that matters.
We went with chocolate and vanilla and we decorated them about seven different ways. Thanks to Brady for his degree in decorating with an emphasis on Wedding design. Haha. Good times!
The happy couple
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Elder Evensen

Our other favorite Elder is being transferred. Elder Evensen has been a Monday night regular around our house for a long time. Trying to beat Phillip at golf pig on the putting green was his favorite thing. Trying to beat me at basketball horse was not meant to be for poor Elder Evensen. But he brought a great spirit into our home and gave us great messages and challenges.

Always smiling

Somehow he got Phillip to take a ride on his tandem bike. It took ALOT of pleading, but he got him to do it.

A great Missionary and a great guy!
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