
Monday, November 30, 2009

a little redo love

I took full advantage of the hubby gone hunting over the weekend and put up ALL the Christmas decor.  Inside and out, with the fantastic help of Emily.  But what I'm just giddy about is this awesome redo.  While visiting at my sister's last weekend we went to her goodwill (and were oh so excited about it!) She spotted this jewel as soon as we walked in and began oohing and aahing over it.  I looked at it and thought it was nice, but I quickly moved on to other things.  She, however, could not get it out of her head. She eventually decided it must be mine and knew exactly where it should go.  So after sleeping on it, she sent her husband and our Dad down to snatch it the next morning and surprise! it was marked down 25%.  A whopping $37.50.  My parents graciously delivered it to me and wham, bam!  The before and after:

love, Love, LOVE IT!!!!!!
Look out china hutch, you're next.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Amanda Post

So Amanda claims she doesn't get much blog attention.  Here is AMANDA and her Scott and Indago.  You'll notice Scott is wearing giant footy pajamas that he later paraded around Walmart in.

Here is AMANDA at her new cashier position at Fry's.  I thought I would go down there the night before Thanksgiving to see her in action and snap a few pics.  She later informed me that I wasn't supposed to do that.  She's not allowed to check out family members. Do they think we're dishonest or something?  But all of you can go through her line and it will be just fine. So there you go AMANDA.  This is for you.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Actress

Emily was in a very funny Play called Scapan  recently at her High School.  She did really well, she's a natural.  She had a kissing scene that frankly knocked the socks off of everyone watching.  Our mouths were left hanging open.  She tried to warn me, but nothing could have prepared me.  She has endured an endless parade of teasing from cousins, adults, family (mostly her Dad), and has taken it well.  It's odd to see my child up there on stage pretending to be someone else.  I don't know how parents of big movie stars ever get used to it.  Maybe someday I'll find out.

There's the weasel that kissed my daughter!

I've Been Bitten

I have been bitten by the creative bug! Ever since I made myself my very own creating space, it's been non-stop. Things like laundry and showering are really getting in the way.  I have also been blog stalking other lovely creative blogs to which I am completely addicted.  I had no idea how non creative I was.  Kind of like when you don't know you're singing off tune or you have really bad breath.  Why didn't someone tell me?  The gist I've gotten is that there is no right or wrong, do what makes you feel good.  And redo, repurpose, use what you have. I can do that!
  This collage above my bed is made with frames I already had and wasn't using. Some pretty paper that I love and there you have it.

I have been frequenting Goodwill alot latelty because that's where the Thrifty Decor Chic and The Nester go to find reusable treasures.  And it's so true.  This lovely touch lamp was $5.99.  I love it in my bathroom because I can touch it to three different softness levels.  No more turning on the overhead stage lights to accentuate every wrinkle and gray hair.  I DO love lamps!  I WILL get more!

These were other Goodwill finds.  The candle and the fillers are my own that I already had.  Very Fall.

I repainted these pears metallic Fall colors to go in this basket.  They're much better that they used to be!

I've been working on other things, to show later.  It's soooo much fun.  Those of you who have been doing this all along are saying "Duh" right now.  My mother is the most creative person I know and it just seems to have skipped right over me.  But I'm working on it.  Slowly , but surely.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gypsy on the cheap

This was the best costume I've ever put together!  It was sooooo cheap and easy.  No messy face paint like when she was a witch or clown.  No long tangly wig like when she was sleeping beauty.  And we already owned most of the stuff.  I found some plastic hoop things at Goodwill like we used to use for purse handles and the purse was made out of placemats, remember?  Then some Christmas bells from the dollar store and ribbon I already had.  Some hot glue and abracadabra it's a tambourine!!  One skirt from Goodwill and some jewelry from the dollar store, everything else was ours.  A little makeup and a Gypsy is born.  She did NOT like everyone commenting on her mole. " It's a BEAUTY MARK", she would say after they would walk away.  Fiesty little Gypsy!!