
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just Life

Just a few pictures of what the kids have been up to. Logan bought himself a suit. He looks nice in it. Amanda started college. Her backpack weighs more than Isabelle (almost). Emily got to be a makeup model for our neighbor's neice. She had a good time. And Isabelle had fun having a friend over. That's about all, just life.
Isabelle said something funny the other day: "Mom, what does obnoxious mean again?"

"It means annoying."

"Well, Logan is being obnoxious!"

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Ants Go Marching Out

Can you feel it it too? Something has changed. There's less ants around these days. For the past several long months, I've had a plague of Ants infest my home. Hard as I try to keep the kitchen crumb free, they invite themselves anyway. Any dishes left out in or near the sink will undoubtedly be practically carried away with Ants the next morning. They made a permanent invisible line going along my stove and down to some underground tunnel. They've bitten my feet more times than I can count while making dinner. My dishwasher was a favorite dining spot for them. But many died a hot and steamy drowning. Not even my purse was safe in it's storage cupboard next to the dishwasher.
The kitchen isn't the only hangout for these little pests. It's been great fun to be watching a movie all comfy on the couch only to feel a little sting somewhere on your body. They don't discriminate. Everyone in the family gets it. They're in the carpet, bathroom, dirty clothes baskets, wood floors.
Which leaves me to ask myself: Am I just a horrible filthy housekeeper? Why are they here and what do they want? I've been tolerable to them to a point. Sure, I've killed some of them. But only hoping it would send a message to all of them. And maybe it finally has, because I believe they're retreating. It's a good thing too, because my bags were packed.

Friday, August 14, 2009

This makes me tap my toes.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Freshman in College. Senior in High School. Sophomore in High School:
They don't want their picture taken on the first day of school anymore.
Thank Heavens for this little third grade girl! She LOVES everything about school and lets me help her pick out her outfit every morning and tells me all about her day when she gets home. She's a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How many more days?

Ok, I'm ready to drive Seminary kids. Ready to make school lunches. Ready to quiz spelling words. Ready to get out to the bus on time. Ready to pick up from rehearsals and practices. Ready to wake up early. Ready to meet the teacher. I'm ready for School to start!!