
Monday, December 29, 2008


For all you who know and love Emily, she's redoing her room. Again. We're in mid construction. She's not too happy about the way it's going. But I know it will turn out just fine.

Hair Be Gone

Logan wanted to shave his head for no apparent reason. Cannon was all too happy to help.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Look alikes

So my Mom gave me some pictures of me as a child and I thought this one looked alot like my youngest offspring Isabelle. So I thought I would share. Plus it also gave me a good excuse to try out my new scanner.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thankful for Sisters

I'm so thankful for all the sisters in my life. Not only do I have the best sister in the whole world who would do anything for me and is so helpful and supportive of me, but there are so many other "sisters" that are there for me when I need them. Thank you to all of you who are my eyes when I'm not there. Thank you to those of you who are an encouraging voice to lift me up when I feel the weight of the world. Thank you to all of you who don't judge me because of things that are out of my control. If you see me and I'm slow to smile, I need your smile more than you know. Every day brings a new challenge and I'm losing strength. Thank you for being a sister to me. This too shall pass.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Stay Away From The Mall!

My sweetie took me to the mall today to shop for my 40th birthday! Yes, tragically I am 40 years old. I had a bit of a breakdown last night and he felt bad and being the smart man he is, took me shopping to make me feel better. It was great, lots of sales, very festive! And completely jam packed with people and cars everywhere! So I would advise you to only go to the mall between now and Christmas if you absolutely have to. It's not for the faint of heart. If you must go, be patient. Take deep breaths. It will be okay. It's Christmas.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I know I won't be getting around to sending out Christmas cards to everyone I'd like to, so here is our family picture. Phillip, Becky, Amanda, Logan, Emily and Isabelle. We're thankful for all the great people in our life and we hope everyone has a Merry Christmas full of love and joy!